Stress and pain may be a natural part of a full life – but i'm here to support you on your journey of growth towards greater mental health and physical wellbeing.
At Minutes to Happy I work with you to plan your wellness and travel towards greater wellbeing mentally and physically. Life brings stress but small steps bring great success.
After managing my own stress and chronic pain for years, I intimately related to the struggles my clients faced. The things that used to bring me joy started to spark my stress instead. I turned down social invites, stopped cycling, and waited for things to get better – putting my life and happiness on hold for way too long.
Because while the specialists I saw were able to give my physical health attention, I also needed a path for healing my emotions. I really felt the need for healing that combined my mind and body challenges, which is where my passion for women's health counselling began.
And so, I’ve come to happily embrace my purpose: Helping you to boost your mental and physical health and develop your strengths so you can live your most peaceful, purposeful and productive life.
In nature, I saw myself and my struggles illuminated clearly. As my boots broke sticks and I stood amidst the birds and the leaves, I felt my burdens lightened and loosened.
The natural world became a place where I went not only to heal, but where I escaped to take a deep breath and explore my wellness.
The natural world, and nature therapy principles inspired my signature counselling programs, the Forest Journey and the hike program.
Blending insights from nature with explorative and therapeutic healing techniques, I’ll take you on a journey from waiting and wishing for your dreams, to defining and discovering the path towards your best self and life.
It’s about pausing for a moment of peace and taking a minute to treat yourself with kindness.
Got a minute?
Bachelor of Psychology
MAster of counselling (cc)
Master of Clinical Audiology (MAudSA, CCP)
graduate cert Counselling
Diploma of Counselling (Health counselling, ACT)
Australian counselling association accredited counsellor
cert IV in Life Coaching (wellness and life stage coaching) C.C
Trained in positive psychology interventions
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy trained (AIPC and actmindfully)
BRIGHt and BRILLIANT WOMEN pursuing their best lives in the middle of their challenges.